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Taupo Warehouse

The builder was Watts Construction and we supplied the panels to Phlex a specialist insulated panel installer.

The architect specified our Kiwi made SuPIR insulated panel for both the roof and the insulated walls. Our panel suPIRspan insulated panel was used for the roof and 50mm thick suPIR panel for the walls. 15m lengths for the roof were supplied reducing the number of laps and installation time.

Eliminate end laps with longer panel length.

50mm suPIRspan panels with 15m lengths for the roof were supplied reducing the number of laps and installation time. This is the advantage of using locally manufactured PIR Roofing panels.

Taupo Warehouse
Taupo Warehouse
Taupo Warehouse

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Metalcraft Roofing
Metalcraft Roofing

Manufacturers and Suppliers