Halo Ground banner

Our concept for Halo Ground was purposefully restrained, opting for timber and stone as features and utilising shape-making to visually draw symmetry. Thoughtfully planned out with a focus on detail, our aesthetic was clean, simple, and sophisticated. As the tenancy is located inside an existing lobby, we utilised existing parameters to select a palette to tie the surrounding space into our design effortlessly.

Photography: Christopher Frederick Jones

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Photography: Christopher Frederick Jones
Photography: Christopher Frederick Jones
Photography: Christopher Frederick Jones
Photography: Christopher Frederick Jones
Photography: Christopher Frederick Jones
Photography: Christopher Frederick Jones
Photography: Christopher Frederick Jones
Photography: Christopher Frederick Jones
Photography: Christopher Frederick Jones
Photography: Christopher Frederick Jones

Professionals used in
Halo Ground

About the

TONIC is a full-service architecture and interior design studio whose experience and capacity spans various project typologies. 

The fundamental values of our studio start with client service. Our focus is to create an unexpected experience through architectural and interior design outcomes that enrich the built environment. We value a holistic project approach through collaboration. Our focus is to overcome pragmatic project constraints to ensure we deliver unique architectural outcomes which are complimented by successful functional and financial outcomes.