Kitchen Window banner

As a busy professional woman, our client for this renovation needs her house to be a sanctuary. One half of a 1950s duplex, the kitchen and bathroom were tired and in need of renovation. A flimsy aluminium conservatory had been added in place of the original back porch some time in the past, and this was cold and draughty, with condensation and leaks. Although the duplex is positioned for sun, it seemed to come sporadically during the day to different parts of the small flat, leaving the interior, at times, cold and dark. Removing the wall between the kitchen and living room, and rebuilding the conservatory with a metal roof and double glazed joinery, has - without increasing the house footprint - given the whole house more light and more space. The use of neutral colours combined with details to enhance the experience of space and light, has created a calm, welcoming environment, and given our client her much needed sanctuary. When the owner of the other half of the duplex learned what we were proposing, they wanted to match the new conservatory on their side too.

Photography © Fraser Architects Ltd

Rain Studio Architects & Designers
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Design Philosophy

Rain brings new life and possibility.  Rain cleanses and refreshes the world and us.   As a design-led practice, Rain Studio focuses on delivering solutions that serve the lifetime needs of the end-user occupants of our buildings.  The spaces we create are beautiful, liveable, and responsive; we aspire to create an environment of abundance.

The relationships between people and place are at the heart of all of our work at Rain Studio, and we believe in a synergetic approach of mutual respect and responsibility, to design and to humanity’s place within the natural world.

Designing for the future is a fundamental aspect of our work, recognising that the needs of households and businesses change over time.  We believe in working with nature to create sustainable built environments.