Wing of Light banner

This 1970s plywood house, "Wing of Light", was originally designed by architect Graham Lane for a glass artist.  The construction was cheap, simple, and a little bit quirky.  The client wanted to retain these elements in the renovation but update the living and kitchen areas to better suit contemporary living - and accommodate two growing teenagers.

 The centrepiece shelving unit of the design provides both striking entry and open shelving to the kitchen.  The coloured perspex backing to this unit creates perfect spaces for display objects as well as tying into the ideas of light and colour that were so important to the original owner and architect.

Photos © Robin Smith Photographer Ltd

Rain Studio Architects & Designers
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Wing of Light

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Rain brings new life and possibility.  Rain cleanses and refreshes the world and us.   As a design-led practice, Rain Studio focuses on delivering solutions that serve the lifetime needs of the end-user occupants of our buildings.  The spaces we create are beautiful, liveable, and responsive; we aspire to create an environment of abundance.

The relationships between people and place are at the heart of all of our work at Rain Studio, and we believe in a synergetic approach of mutual respect and responsibility, to design and to humanity’s place within the natural world.

Designing for the future is a fundamental aspect of our work, recognising that the needs of households and businesses change over time.  We believe in working with nature to create sustainable built environments.