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Peacock House

Our clients wanted a shift from inner city New Plymouth to the sea side town of Oakura, 15km west of New Plymouth Township. The brief was a 4 bedroom single level family home that would naturally age well. It was not to be showpiece home but well-proportioned and comfortable.

With no predominant views the most important consideration was to locate the house in order to gain maximum thermal mass and exterior zone placement suitable for sunshine angles weather conditions. The house is broken into two forms by the way of a “V’’ shape and the entrance space adjoining the two.  The home is clad in vertical cedar weatherboards, the garage being the exception with ply and batten cladding. Glazing to the north is of a commercial nature being Nulook Frontline 150mm. Interior finishes feature tiles and carpet while selected walls and ceilings feature plywood sections showcasing the interesting interior angles of the home.

About the

From architecture, landscape and urban design, to brand and way-finding + event and site experience, BOON are design thinkers, problem solvers and project managers working throughout New Zealand and beyond. 

BOON has been in business for over 45 years. Throughout this time our diverse project portfolio has been driven by taking on projects to make better communities.

