S + I Residence banner

The vision for this family home was to build a property that allows zones for play, creating, family time, and privacy. With four children and parents who run their own businesses, it's easy to understand why they require a home that is functional and allows for escapes for both children and parents. At the core of the home is the way humble spaces have been made to feel considerably large. Built on a 380sqm block, but with 3m ceilings and larger openings to the outside, these spaces have allowed the space to feel collectively larger. Another feature is the stand-alone pool in the backyard; a concrete water tank that is compact and instantly ready. The house was the first of its kind, built from insulated panels from Bondor, and as such has been focused heavily in the press.

Featuring on Season 3 of Open Homes Australia.

Photography: Christopher Frederick Jones

Get in touch
Open Homes Australia: S+I Residence
Photography: Christopher Frederick Jones
Photography: Christopher Frederick Jones
Photography: Christopher Frederick Jones
Photography: Christopher Frederick Jones
Photography: Christopher Frederick Jones
Photography: Christopher Frederick Jones
Photography: Christopher Frederick Jones
Photography: Christopher Frederick Jones
Photography: Christopher Frederick Jones
Photography: Christopher Frederick Jones
Photography: Christopher Frederick Jones
Photography: Christopher Frederick Jones

Professionals used in
S + I Residence

About the

TONIC is a full-service architecture and interior design studio whose experience and capacity spans various project typologies. 

The fundamental values of our studio start with client service. Our focus is to create an unexpected experience through architectural and interior design outcomes that enrich the built environment. We value a holistic project approach through collaboration. Our focus is to overcome pragmatic project constraints to ensure we deliver unique architectural outcomes which are complimented by successful functional and financial outcomes.