Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tamaki banner

Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tamaki

The new Auckland Art Gallery has developed from a concept that relates as much to the organic natural forms of the landscape as it does from architectural order and character of the important heritage buildings. The new building is characterised through a series of fine “tree-like” canopies that define and cover the entry forecourt, atrium and gallery areas. These light profiled forms “hover” over the stone walls and terraces creating a memorable image and character closely related to the beautiful overhanging canopy of Pohutukawa Trees.

The built canopies are made from natural timber folded into organic geometric forms and supported on slender profiled shafts. These emblematic forms will give a unique identity and image to the Gallery that is inspired by the natural landscape of the site.

While the hovering roof canopies draw on natural forms they are also closely related to the scale, proportions and detail of the architecture of the existing Gallery. A careful study of the relative dimensions, proportions and alignments has determined the final form and positioning of the new elements to create a complement with the proud turn-of-the century architecture of the original Gallery.This close relationship between new and existing is developed through the precision of detailing at the interface and in particular with careful insertion of new elements such as within the great room of the East Gallery.

Below the hovering canopies of the new gallery a great transparency is created to allow views through, into and out of the gallery circulation and display spaces into the green landscape of Albert Park. In this way the Gallery will “open” to the park and public spaces in an inviting and engaging gesture of welcome.

Auckland City, 2009, 15000 SQM

Project Team

  • Lindsay Mackie
  • Russell Pinel


  • Patrick Reynolds
  • Simon Devitt

Press & Awards

  • WAF World Building of the Year 2013
  • WAF Culture Category Winner 2013
  • INSIDE Culture Category Winner 2013
  • NZIA New Zealand Architecture Medal 2012
  • AIA The Jorn Utzon Award for International Architecture 2012
  • PCNZ RLB Supreme Award 2012
  • PCNZ Excellence/Best in Category Arts and Education 2012
  • PCNZ Excellence/Best in Category Heritage and Adaptive Re-use 2012
  • NZIA New Zealand Architecture Medal 2012
  • NZIA New Zealand Award for Architecture (Public Architecture) 2012
  • NZIA New Zealand Award for Architecture (Heritage) 2012
  • RIBA International Award Winner 2012
  • NZIOB GIB Supreme Award Winner 2012
  • NZIOB GIB Over $50m Award Winner 2012
  • Chicago Athenaeum Museum International Architecture Award 2012
  • Resene Timber Design Awards Commercial Architectural Excellence 2012
  • Resene Timber Design Awards Indigenous Timber Showcase 2012
  • NZIA Auckland Award for Architecture (Public Architecture) 2011
  • NZIA Auckland Award for Architecture (Heritage) 2011

About the

Archimedia is a New Zealand architecture practice with NZRAB and Green Star accredited staff, offering design services in the disciplines of architecture, interiors and ecology.

Archimedia uses the word “ecology” to extend the concept of sustainability to urban design and master planning and integrates this holistic strategy into every project.

Archimedia prioritises client project requirements, functionality, operational efficiency, feasibility, and programme. Once these fundamentals are soundly established, Archimedia pursues a sculptural architecture expressive of individual or collective identity.


  • Archimedia practices architecture as “material identity” – a crafted expression of individual or collective “identity” – embodying a synthesis of people, place and time.
  • Archimedia investigates “identity” with each client and endows buildings with a perceptible meaning that expresses this “identity” – the philosophical parti for all Archimedia projects.
  • Archimedia respects all cultures and their protocols and the fundamental connectedness of all humanity.

Human Experience

  • Archimedia is ambitious for the betterment of both humankind and the environment.
  • Archimedia approachs design with the intent that human beings register an “experience” of architecture which uplifts their daily existence.


  • Archimedia strives for “beauty”, the exceptional and the inspirational in each and every commission, irrespective of budget.
  • Archimedia believes in tectonics – a poetic configuration of land, space and structure.
  • Archimedia believes in positive intervention – sustainability that enhances eco-systems.


  • Archimedia believes that the very best process and the very best technology are critical contributors in our quest for the exceptional.
  • Archimedia invests resources to create a better design solution.


  • Archimedia believes in collaboration between equals and the power of teamwork.
  • Archimedia's staff are consultative by nature and use processes that encourage user decision making wherever possible.
