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Lifestyle Home

A family were creating their dream lifestyle home overlooking The Waikato River. Roofing materials were needed that could reflect the English country style desired by the owners.

As the design of the house involved pitched and low sloped sections two products were choose; Viking CertainTeed Asphalt shingles and Viking Envrioclad waterproofing membrane.

CertainTeed – The Landmark profile was chosen as the soft shadow lines created a classic look that matched the architecture of the home.

Enviroclad – Viking Enviroclad was installed on the low sloped sections as its wide sheets and heat-welded seams promised a watertight solution with minimal risk. Creating a striking contrast to the shingles the membrane matched the overall house design and would keep the family dry. 

Read more about this case study here

About the

Viking Roofspec is a market leading provider of quality waterproofing and roofing materials and is proud to be 100% owned and operated.

Keeping water on the outside.

Whether it's a home or commercial building, Viking's Roofing, Decking and below-ground waterproofing systems, keep water out and ensure it stays out... for good.

Viking Roofspec is a market-leading provider of quality roofing and waterproofing materials. We've been protecting properties in New Zealand, the Pacific Islands and even Antarctica for nearly 50 years.

We work closely with all key stakeholders during the development of a building or home. From design through to specification and installation, we provide advice and support where required. We take a full system approach to waterproofing to ensure a watertight, professional finish is achieved.

Viking Roofspec
Viking Roofspec

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