Keruing Brownwood BS1088 | Marine - Joinery Plywood


Keruing Dipterocarpus or Brownwood is a hardwood ply with an attractive and even, but open, grain. Often referred to as 'Container Ply' Brownwood is widely used in joinery, linings and cabinetry (including vanities and bar tops). Keruing is an even light brown and looks fantastic when lacquered. Keruing is one the most consistent plywoods in colour — from sheet to sheet, giving a consistent medium brown colour, making it easier to match the sheets across a job.

Extremely durable and strong, this ply is also used in the automotive industry, and is suitable for wet areas. Keruing uses moisture resistant glue as standard, or is available as full Marine Grade. 

  • Category
    Timber Joinery
  • Range
    Joinery Plywood

Statement of Building Code Compliance

When stored, handled, installed and maintained in accordance with the Keruing Brownwood Technical Information, Keuring Brownwood will meet the durability requirements of the New Zealand Building Code (NZBC) B2/AS1 and has a servicable life of at least 15 years.

  • Clause B2 Durability — Performance B2.3.1(b), 15 years, B2.3.1(c), 5 years. Keuring Brownwood meets this requirement
  • Clause E3 Internal Moisture — Performance E3.3.4, E3.3.5 and E3.3.6  Keuring Brownwood panels are impervious to water and are easily cleaned
  • Clause F2 Hazardous Building Materials — Performance F2.3.1. Keuring Brownwood meets this requirement and will not present a health hazard to people


In-Service History

Established in New Zealand for over 10 years, and used in thousands of projects. Application ranging from storage, shelving, wet area cabinetry, kitchen benchtops, bar tops, wall lining and ute trays.


Notable projects:

  • Morrinsville Hertitage Centre — Display cabinetry
  • Palmerston North High School — Interior lining and cabinetry
  • New Zealand Fire Service — Lockers


Other Performance Attributes

  • Moisture resistant glue as standard, or available as full Marine Grade BS1088



It is the user’s responsibility to provide a suitable marine coating if the ply is used in exterior conditions. As such, the manufacturer does not supply a guarantee for the product to be used in exterior applications

Keruing is a hardwood, with exterior glue-lines, but despite this it is the user’s responsibility to provide a suitable marine coating if the ply is used in exterior conditions. As such, the manufacturer does not supply a guarantee for the product to be used in exterior applications.

The total Liability of Plymasters will be limited to the replacement of sheets that are defective in quality due to transport handling or unseen defects at the time of despatch. Plymasters warrants that 99% of sheets are free from defects at the date of despatch.

Specs / Details

2440 x 1220mm sheet size, available in a variety of thicknesses: 

  • 3.6mm (3ply)
  • 5.5mm (3ply)
  • 9mm (5ply)
  • 12mm (7ply)
  • 15mm (7ply)
  • 18mm (9ply)
  • 28mm (13ply)


Scope of Use

Being one the most consistent plywoods in colour, Keruing is suitable where sheet matching is required across a job. Keruing can be used externally in covered areas, such as ute deck sides, soffit linings, outdoor bars:

  • Suitable for wet area and bathroom cabinetry
  • Ideal for joinery and kitchen units
  • Bar fit-outs, wall paneling,
  • Durable to suit bench tops, vehicle fit-outs
  • Commercial applications — retail, hospitality, office


Limitations on Use

  • Please confirm with Plymasters on suitability for any external application
  • It is the user’s responsibility to provide a suitable marine coating if the ply is used in exterior conditions
  • As such, the manufacturer does not supply a guarantee for the product to be used in exterior applications
  • Keruing, being an open grain hardwood, is prone to causing splinters, so gloves are essential when this ply is being used

Plywood is a natural product that can be affected by changes in weather conditions: moisture and temperature. Increased moisture content or temperature variation may cause internal stresses causing previously flat sheets to bow. At Plymasters precautions are taken to minimise this effect. However, once the plywood has left the warehouse Plymasters cannot guarantee sheets to remain flat unless fastened. This is particularly important where free standing kitchen/cabinet doors are concerned. Stack on a firm raised base with enough support to prevent sagging. Cover the pallet to protect top and edges.

About the

Our Kiwi team take great pride in sourcing globally unique and innovative ply and panels for our clients. Trusted by you, we stand by our world-class product range.

For over a decade, Plymasters has been specializing in supplying various types of plywood and panels, timber veneers, melamine, HPL panels and architectural linings to builders, architects, joiners and end-users nation wide.

You’ll see Plymasters products in a range of places. Some you’d expect. Some you wouldn’t. What they have in common is that there’s been a lot of care go into them. From high-spec, award-winning homes (interiors and exteriors), to hospitality and educational buildings to commercial buildings and even fishing vessels.

We look forward to bringing your plywood and panel vision alive. 

Keruing Brownwood BS1088 | Marine - Joinery PlywoodPlymasters