Whether designing for a flat roof in the middle of the Southern Alps or in the sunny Bay of Islands, Viking Roofspec has a BRANZ-appraised torch-on membrane system designed to withstand the most extreme climate conditions: 

Viking Phoenix Super APAO (Amorphous Polyalphaolefin) Hybrid TorchOn Membrane: Viking's ‘Platinum’ solution incorporates the best of APP and SBS membrane features and comes with a 25-year warranty. Its unequalled cold flexibility goes down to (-35°C), and it has a high-temperature resistance of +140°C, meaning it can be used in any climate.

Viking Gemini APP (Atactic Polypropylene) TorchOn Membrane: Viking Gemini APP is a robust and versatile membrane system ideally suited to New Zealand’s North Island (excluding the Central Volcanic Plateau) and the Pacific. APP membranes have a high melt point when in contact with a flame and boast some of the highest puncture resistance credentials in the market.

Viking Lybra SBS (Styrene Butadiene Styrene) TorchOn Membrane: Viking Lybra SBS is made from ‘rubberised’ bitumen. These properties are designed for geographical locations that experience climatic extremes, such as New Zealand’s South Island and the North Island’s Central Volcanic Plateau. Viking Lybra SBS membranes have a lower melt point and high cold-flexibility credentials allowing them to be exposed to lower temperatures without fracturing.

Viking Roofspec has a team of technical and design specialists available to assist with specification. Viking Roofspec also has NZ's only established three-stage, hands-on torch-on licensing programme to ensure workmanship is delivered to the highest quality, to specification and most importantly is 100% water-tight.

View the brochure, CAD details, PTS and more resources here

Find an Viking Approved Applicator for Viking Torch-On here

  • Category
    Torch-on Membranes
  • Range
    Membrane Roofing

Product Benefits

  • Formulated to suit a wide range of climatic conditions
  • Water potability certified (Phoenix Super APAO only)
  • Installed only by Viking Licensed Applicators
  • UV resistant
  • Thermal ageing resistance
  • Dimensional stability
  • Tensile resistance
  • Overlay option
  • 20-year product warranty (25-years for Phoenix Super)
  • BRANZ Appraised (Appraisal No. 948)
  • CodeMark Certified (Certificate No. 30092)
Viking Roofspec is a market leading provider of quality waterproofing and roofing materials and is proud to be 100% owned and operated.

About the

Viking Roofspec is a market leading provider of quality waterproofing and roofing materials and is proud to be 100% owned and operated.

Keeping water on the outside.

Whether it's a home or commercial building, Viking's Roofing, Decking and below-ground waterproofing systems, keep water out and ensure it stays out... for good.

Viking Roofspec is a market-leading provider of quality roofing and waterproofing materials. We've been protecting properties in New Zealand, the Pacific Islands and even Antarctica for nearly 50 years.

We work closely with all key stakeholders during the development of a building or home. From design through to specification and installation, we provide advice and support where required. We take a full system approach to waterproofing to ensure a watertight, professional finish is achieved.

Viking Roofspec
Viking Torch-On MembranesViking Roofspec