Viking WarmRoof Waterproof Roofing Insulation System

Viking Roofspec

The most commonly accepted definition of a warm roof (for low slope roofs) is “a roof where the insulation is installed on top of the roof structure” i.e. insulated from the outside of the building.

The purpose of a warm roof is to increase thermal efficiency by transferring a building’s dew point to the outside. This prevents dampness of structural materials and negates the need for vents that normally allows air to escape.

Viking’s WarmRoof includes rigid Kingspan Polyisocyanurate (closed-cell foam) sheets that are waterproofed by any one of Viking’s membrane options.

Thermal efficiency aside, a Viking WarmRoof is also a practical solution for laying over an existing low-slope roof with weather-tightness or UV resistance issues. The fact the roof doesn’t need to be removed, minimises disruption for inhabitants; protects precious items and protects critical activities. The light-weight nature of the insulation and membrane going on top of the roof, ensures the roof remains well under the 20kg/m2 threshold. Alternatively, this would otherwise require additional engineering of the substrate and supports.

The Viking WarmRoof system negates the need to relocate people or contents and avoids the expensive shrink-wrapping of the building and the environmental cost of waste disposal of uplifted roofing materials.

Components of a Viking WarmRoof system:

  • Vapour barrier (for cool stores and regions with extreme climatic variances)
  • Kingspan Polyiso insulation panel (including tapered)
  • Any of Viking’s sheet membrane systems

With a correctly designed warm roof:

  • The dew point is on the outside of the building = no damp or rotten materials inside
  • No ventilation of the ceiling cavity is required
  • Thermal bridging is avoided
  • The roof cavity is clear for wiring
  • Savings in air conditioning and heating costs
  • Rigid insulation sheets = structural integrity to the roof
  • Significantly higher R-values are achieved
  • Easily retrofitted onto an existing building
  • Category
    Warm Roofs
  • Range
    Membrane Roofing

Product Features

  • Polysio board supplied by the world-leading rigid insulation manufacturer
  • Specialised two-part foam adhesive to secure panels to substrate (avoids mechanical fasteners and therefore thermal bridging)
  • Compatible with any Viking membrane roofing product; including torch-on membrane
  • Tapered insulation option = promotes watershed
  • Highest R-Value per thickness = maximum ROI
  • Rigid insulation sheets = dimensional stability
  • Highest possible fire performance rating (Group 1-S)
  • Environmentally friendly
  • Perfect overlay option
  • Installed only by Viking Licensed Applicators
  • 20-year product warranty
  • Full System Warranty Option: 20-years
  • BRANZ Appraised (Appraisal No. 713)

For a list of Viking Warm Roof accessories click here.

For all Viking Warm Roof specification documents, CAD details, product technical statements, CodeMark and BRANZ certificates click here.

Viking Roofspec is a market leading provider of quality waterproofing and roofing materials and is proud to be 100% owned and operated.
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About the

Viking Roofspec is a market leading provider of quality waterproofing and roofing materials and is proud to be 100% owned and operated.

Keeping water on the outside.

Whether it's a home or commercial building, Viking's Roofing, Decking and below-ground waterproofing systems, keep water out and ensure it stays out... for good.

Viking Roofspec is a market-leading provider of quality roofing and waterproofing materials. We've been protecting properties in New Zealand, the Pacific Islands and even Antarctica for nearly 50 years.

We work closely with all key stakeholders during the development of a building or home. From design through to specification and installation, we provide advice and support where required. We take a full system approach to waterproofing to ensure a watertight, professional finish is achieved.

Viking Roofspec
Viking WarmRoof Waterproof Roofing Insulation SystemViking Roofspec