SOLITEX EXTASANA® - Wall Weather Resistive Barrier

Pro Clima

SOLITEX EXTASANA® wall underlay provides the best weather protection layer for your walls under all conditions. It protects the building from wind, driving rain and other external water sources whilst allowing any internal moisture to escape through the vapour-permeable, non-porous TEEE layer.

  • Building Wraps & Underlays
  • Weathertightness
  • Pro Clima
  • Germany
    • Commercial and Residential
    • Commercial
    • Residential
Scope of use

Flexible Wall Underlay

SOLITEX EXTASANA® has been appraised for use as a flexible wall underlay for timber and steel-framed buildings within the following scope: ¬ the scope limitations of NZBC Acceptable Solution E2/AS1, Paragraph 1.1 for timber-framed buildings; or,
¬ the scope limitations of NASH Building Envelope Solutions, Paragraph 1.1 for steel-framed buildings; and,
¬ with direct fixed absorbent and non-absorbent wall claddings; or,
¬ with absorbent and non-absorbent wall claddings installed over an 18 mm minimum drained
cavity; or,
¬ with masonry veneer in accordance with NZBC Acceptable Solution E2/AS1 for timber-framed buildings or to NASH Building Envelope Solutions for steel-framed buildings; and,
¬ situated in NZS 3604 and NASH Standard Part Two Wind Zones up to and including, Very High.

Use over Rigid Wall Underlay

SOLITEX EXTASANA® has also been appraised for use as a flexible wall underlay over rigid wall underlays on timber and steel-framed buildings within the following scope:
¬ the scope limitations of NZBC Acceptable Solution E2/AS1, Paragraph 1.1 for timber-framed buildings; or,
¬ the scope limitations of NASH Building Envelope Solutions, Paragraph 1.1 for steel-framed buildings; and,
¬ with absorbent and non-absorbent wall claddings installed over an 18 mm minimum drained cavity; and,
¬ with masonry veneer in accordance with NZBC Acceptable Solution E2/AS1 for timber-framed buildings or to NASH Building Envelope Solutions for steel-framed buildings; and,
¬ situated in NZS 3604 and NASH Standard Part Two Wind Zones up to and including Extra High.

Specific Design

SOLITEX EXTASANA® Wall Underlay has also been appraised for use on buildings subject to specific weather-tightness design. Building designers are responsible for the building design and for incorporating SOLITEX EXTASANA® Wall Underlay into their design per the declared properties and the instructions of Pro Clima (NZ) Ltd.

Proprietary Rigid Wall Underlays and Construction Systems

For proprietary rigid wall underlay and construction systems, the system proprietor is responsible for confirming the suitability of SOLITEX EXTASANA® Wall Underlay with their system. The properties
described in the BRANZ Appraisal may be used to confirm the suitability. Designers are responsible for confirming the suitability of SOLITEX EXTASANA® Wall Underlay for their specific building design
when used on these proprietary systems.

  • Excellent UV resistance (180 days exposure)
  • Highly vapour permeable (Class 4)
  • Long-term durability
  • Weathertight & airtight weather resistive barrier (WRB)
  • Next generation non-porous monolithic technology
  • Fire Retardant

Projects featuring SOLITEX EXTASANA® - Wall Weather Resistive Barrier

About the

Pro clima is focused on health. Operating globally, pro clima inspires and educates people to create healthy, durable and energy-efficient buildings to live, learn, work and play in - now and for future generations.

Our range of high-performance weathertightness and airtightness products helps to create draught-free, long-lasting and low-allergen emitting surroundings for families, schools and businesses.

Pro Clima
SOLITEX EXTASANA® - Wall Weather Resistive BarrierPro Clima